Daniela Rodriguez
Project Title
Rodent Country
Grant Amount
Daniela Rodriguez is producing a short experimental film that combines live action, animation, and installation. Rooting on the practice of meditation, Rodent Country explores the mundane cycles of life and how paying close attention to these can lead to their appreciation as ritual. This film wants to reveal that from cooking a meal with friends to washing dishes every day, there’s an ongoing opportunity to experience the ordinary world around us intentionally; it’s this mindfulness that connects us fully with reality and brings us joy. This practice to rejoice (and stay) with the ordinary is especially important in a culture that pressures us into rushing, consuming, and disposing. There is a necessity for alternative ways of relating and existing. Rodent Country presents transformative processes that can start at our fingertips’ length, it reimagines the ways we can interact with our most proximate world.
From sculpture to dance, Rodent Country will include the adapted work of various Atlanta artists-- a commitment to collaborative process.
‘Everything is Wild and Lovely’, 2020, Carbon, Pastel, Pen and Ink, 10 x 12 in.
‘X is the Color Red’ (Still image), 2020, Animated Meditative Loop, Illustration + Digital Animation.
‘I Found Out I Had Cavities By Eating A Clementine’ (Still Image), 2020, Video Art Poem, 1 min, Live Action, Digital Animation