Raymond Carr
Project Title
The Black and White Snow
Grant Amount
Project Description
The Black and White Show is a live theatrical performance that is the follow-up to the 2014 critically acclaimed short film Hitori by Raymond Carr and Raymond Wade Tilton. The Black and White Show creatively represents extreme differences between individuals and ideas, and then demonstrates how they can be fused together to make bizarre and beautiful things.
This two-man show features narrative short stories, experimental puppetry films, and immersive theatrical performances that are written, directed and performed by the decade old collaborative group called Raymond VS Raymond.
The concept of “Black and White” will be explored from multiple angles in this show: A man seen only in vertical black & white lines searches for a woman covered in horizontal ones. A white puppet manipulated through a landscape covered in black puppeteers. A woman finds a loophole to salvation in the worst sin imaginable. Two opposing voices experiment with racial epithets. A man battles his own monsters he's locked away in the dark.
The Black and White Show promises to continue the pattern of unique, venue specific theatrical experiences that both Carr, Tilton and Atlanta have become known for.
big hand gang
monster guard
spaceman, photo by stacey bode photography
This darker life, photo by stacey bode photography
vertical man loves horizontal woman