Sarah Hobbs
Project Title
Grant Amount
Project Description
With this project, Sarah Hobbs will continue her practice of constructing psychological space, but will move into the medium of video. Her purpose is to reveal the physical process that leads to the behavioral residue present in her photographs and installations. The space will still be important, but the act of manipulating the materials will be the focus. This will not be a video of her constructing an installation, rather a portrayal of a person acting on a particular thought process.
The video Hobbs will be working on is entitled “Manifesto,” in which we see someone going through a process to find her raison d’etre, to declare her “statement of being.” The idea is to convey the feeling one can experience when the desire to have something to say is stronger in theory and emotion than in action. It will illustrate the desperation of a desire to make a mark, but no idea how to do so.
Sarah hobbs, avoidance, 2009, chromogenic print, 60" x 48"
sarah hobbs, permanent marker (occupied room), 2015, chromogenic print, 48" x 60"
Sarah hobbs, prom forever (basement), 2016, chromogenic print, 48" x 60"
sarah hobbs, counting (alms house), 2016, site specific installation, mixed-media, approx 10' x 11' x 5'