Sonya Yong James
Project Title
Grant Amount
Antinori Visual Artist Grant
The internet has fundamentally transformed the way we communicate and think over the past two decades. We now see the world as an infinite web, a large weaving of ideas and information. Connecting is at the heart of ancient and modern life. The landscape and the ways we achieve that today has changed tremendously. Although we are hyper-interconnected, isolation as a species has become prevalent. This connectedness has helped us remain in communication these past nine months but has also been the source of a life threatening infection. James will construct an immersive sculpture and sound installation illustrating these ideas by activating a large space with thousands of threads and multiple soundtracks. As you walk through the piece, there will be an invitation to follow certain suggested threads and sounds, or find your own path, moving through the space. James’ installation will encourage multiple overlapping interpretations and emphasize the material’s contemporary relevance, allowing then to speak and represent this unprecedented time